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    Read user comments about the side effects, benefits, and effectiveness of torsemide oral.

    Overall User Ratings

    44 Total User Reviews

    User Reviews

    1-5 of 20 Next»
    Condition: Visible Water Retention
    3/25/2018 6:22:26 AM

    Reviewer: Swiftypie123, 55-64 on Treatment for less than 1 month (Patient)


    Current Rating: 2

    Ease of Use

    Current Rating: 5


    Current Rating: 1

    Have only taken for 2 days. I have type 2 diabetes and all of a sudden my blood sugar was 598 without other cause. I read here that it could rarely affect ones blood sugar. It has never been that high. Calling the Doc if it doesn't straighten out.

    Condition: Visible Water Retention
    8/31/2017 2:25:48 PM

    Reviewer: 55-64 Male on Treatment for 1 to 6 months (Patient)


    Current Rating: 3

    Ease of Use

    Current Rating: 5


    Current Rating: 3

    not all that different from Lasix but seems more potent i.e. forces more frequent urination in the AM after taking it.

    Condition: Visible Water Retention
    6/27/2017 10:31:50 PM

    Reviewer: RosieRed, 55-64 on Treatment for less than 1 month (Patient)


    Current Rating: 3

    Ease of Use

    Current Rating: 3


    Current Rating: 1

    Worked a little for about a month. Then every time taken kept going unconscious for several hrs. Skipped a day and was fine. Hospital hassled me to take it and I kept refusing. Took it to get nurse off my back and went unconscious again. Happened 4 times. The doctors don't believe me about it. Thats the worst part. Now have fluid on lungs and body and their answer is to take the med. Refused o ... Show Full Comment

    Condition: Visible Water Retention
    6/16/2017 5:47:13 PM

    Reviewer: 75 or over on Treatment for less than 1 month (Patient)


    Current Rating: 1

    Ease of Use

    Current Rating: 1


    Current Rating: 1

    Put on torsemide following aorta valve repair surgery for fluid retention and it caused my createnine blood level to increase. Dr. took me off after a week, will repeat blood work in one week to see if level returns to acceptable range. Felt tired the week I was on it and my urine output wasn't what I thought it would be.

    Condition: Visible Water Retention
    5/20/2017 10:41:14 AM

    Reviewer: kafratman, 35-44 Male on Treatment for less than 1 month (Patient)


    Current Rating: 4

    Ease of Use

    Current Rating: 5


    Current Rating: 5

    I have tired many edema medications. This is by far the best the Dr has put me on. In just 3 days my ankles and feet are back to normal and my stomach belly has decreased considerably. I lost 12 lbs of fluid in 3 days. Now im back on hydroclorothiazide to help maintain the edema.

    1-5 of 20 Next»

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